Your appointment with Meshelle

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific sites along the body’s energy pathways. Stimulating these points can enhance the function of internal organs and activate the body’s nervous system. Acupuncture can also help balance the release of hormones within the body.

How can it help me?

Acupuncture is very effective at reducing or eliminating side effects associated with breast cancer, such as hot flushes, insomnia, nausea, pain, headaches, constipation, low libido, weight gain, fatigue and anxiety. As acupuncture treatments are individualised to each patient, many symptoms can be addressed within the one treatment. Acupuncture is safe and side-effect-free, so it can be used in conjunction with any other treatment.

Is acupuncture safe?

Acupuncture is considered a very safe and side-effect-free treatment, and there is no down-time for recovery. All needles used are sterile and single-use only. Needles are unwrapped during treatment and disposed of immediately after. Registered acupuncturists adhere to strict hygiene standards and a safety Code of Ethics.

What can I expect?

In your initial consult, your detailed health history is discussed, followed by a pulse and tongue examination, and then the application of fine needles. After a treatment you will spend a few minutes simply relaxing, to allow the energetic changes to settle in. Dietary and other lifestyle recommendations will also be discussed, and herbs prescribed as needed.